autobiographical ramblings of an impressionable youth

01 September 2008

Lies, all lies.

So, I organised my reading for the next month. It turns out I'll have to read just over a book a day if I want to get through everything on my shelf... not too tall an order for the awesome. Well, OK, maybe it is. But it's not like I have anything else to do with my life other than absorb knowledge. And trawl Facebook for people I might meet in October, that's important too.

I have packed my things for debriefing (i.e. getting over not being in China any more) up in Scotland, now all I have to do is go there for five days. I am flying, which is a mixed blessing as it means time goes quicker but also gives me a lot less time to make a dent in the aforementioned reading, shame. And also I have an afternoon to kill in Glasgow. Sweet Jesus no. Personally, I don't think going to Scotland is the right way to get over not being in China any more. I mean, I'm going to a minority area peopled by angry sounding men who wear silly clothes and may or may not stab me. In what way is that not regressing back to Xinjiang?

Incidentally, after listening to a woman in Huntingdon call her daughter "India" this morning, I have decided that my girl children are going to be called Antarctica, Patagonia and Xinjiang. This is to go with my boy children, Ghengis, Milo and... I can't actually spell the third one, but it's Italian, designer and dumb. Plan or PLAN?

Also on the subject: I have vague plans to firebomb Next and their ridiculous sizing. I have NEVER been a tight size 14 before walking into that shop, I swear. Tight size 12, sure, but that's only to be expected in a curvaceous future leader like myself. Now I just have to hope none actually GET firebombed and I live to regret making that clearly throwaway remark. Hmm.

I have to read Economic Philosophy before the world ends. It's going to be a close one.