autobiographical ramblings of an impressionable youth

14 September 2008

GTFO of my cinema, woman.

OK, double post today, but for good reason: There was the most ANNOYING WOMAN EVER in the cinema when we went to see the Duchess today.

At every single dramatic moment, she would say "oooo" or "eeeeh" or something, in a really flat northern accent. When there were drawn out conversations, she would answer questions before the actors onscreen did. And when Kiera Knightley was getting raped by Ralph Fiennes (yes, this was a 12A film; it also contained breasts, male nudity, two other major sex scenes and lesbian erotica), she sat there going "oooh, what a family, eh?"

DIE IN A FIRE. Seriously, fuck. the. what.

Other than that, it was a really good film. Although I hate that in modern culture, a story like that ends up having a "sad ending" because she didn't end up with her One True Love ever (sorry for ruining it but it's not like divorce existed, yo). She had a load of children she loved, she found some sort of equilibrium with her husband, she was friends with everyone and had a really fun political career! How does lack of sex turn that into misery? I'm not currently getting any and I'VE never felt more awesome. So there.