autobiographical ramblings of an impressionable youth

16 September 2008

Girl Anachronism Rapes Pianoforte

If I did not like Amanda Palmer's solo album, the above is the kind of thing I'd say about it repeatedly. Unfortunately, I can only use it this once, and worse still I have to qualify it, as I do like over 50% of Amanda Palmer's solo album. In fact, I would say I love 33% of it, namely Astronaut, Guitar Hero, Oasis (OMG Oasis) and Point of it All. I like Leeds United, Blake Says and Another Year, which takes overall likeability to 7/12ths. I can't be having with percentages of that, but it's over 50%, like I said. A significant part of the remaining 5/12ths is a bit shit, but heck, you can't have everything. Not even Harvey Danger have made an ENTIRELY brilliant album, and they are clearly the benchmark of awesome.

I am currently downloading a full Joni discography, which is going to take a while on this damnable connection. What I did not notice before I started downloading is that one of these albums is in fact a Joni tribute with lots of assholes singing her songs. Worse still, this part is the part that is furthest along in the download. Bah.

I am in my final stretch of home life before I disappear up a dreaming spire. This should involve packing lots of stuff, sorting out my bedroom at last and generally getting myself in order. Instead, thus far, it has involved reading two Lemony Snicket books, taking a bath and moping about minor tooth pain. To be fair, though, I've only been back a few hours and I did have a painful mix of hangover and travel sickness when I got home. Also, did I tell you my tooth hurts? Yeah.