autobiographical ramblings of an impressionable youth

21 February 2010

A premature objection...

to something nobody who would even stumble across this would know anything about, but still.

Ace Attorney Investigations, case 2, makes very little sense. Why does Edgeworth go to such great lengths to prove a woman guilty when all the evidence immediately points to her, apparently for no more reason than that she's quite nice and was helpful earlier? It completely doesn't fit with his prosecuting style, and there's not nearly enough evidence at that time to make it sensible for him to continue investigating like he does.

At least a reference to "oh God, Phoenix is rubbing off on me and making me trust people I probably shouldn't, wtf" might have been nice, but then we've already had one of those. Really I shouldn't whine too much about the mechanics of this game anyway...

17 February 2010

Vegan Day 1

Breakfast: toast, baked beans, vegan sausages, BBQ sauce

Lunch: kong pao tofu, flatbread

Dinner: Toast with orange spread, 2 x vine leaves

Coffee (x much)
Tea (1)
Ginger dark chocolate (om nom nom)

04 February 2010


You would have thought that room choosing might make me obsess LESS over rooms, not more. As it stands, no.

I made gongbao jiding last night, and apart from almost killing Al^2 it went exceptionally well.