autobiographical ramblings of an impressionable youth

26 October 2009


because the thing is, when you suppress your inhibitions you don't make up new stuff, you just let existing stuff leave. That's why it's so embarrassing the next day- everybody knows that you meant everything you said, you just didn't mean to say it.

There is no escape from living and there is no way back from self-awareness and there is no changing facts.

25 June 2009


Is a sadness with a face.

27 February 2009

It's like fireworks

Fizz fizz. Yeah?

One bump away from blades. COME ON.

05 February 2009

I am in my third decade

So you would think I would be able to escape all this fucking teen drama.

You'd think, wouldn't you.

Ha ha ha.

03 February 2009

I has a coffee

A coffee with gingerbread syrup in it.


I can't believe I'm only two days into third week and already the work is killing me. Man up, Joy. Man. The fuck. Up.

(Also I may or may not suck at politics. If I do suck at politics, we have a problem. It's my favourite one. I really really hope I don't actually suck at politics.)

15 January 2009

The possibility of universal collapse

I have been semi-lamenting my rather unique set of interests recently, specifically that I don't know anybody else who is studying Microeconomics AND loves Phoenix Wright. This has led me to wonder what would happen if I met another person who liked all the same stuff I did.

I have come to the conclusion that it would not end well for any of us. Let's pretend I never thought about it.

09 January 2009

Well, would you look at that.

I just found my pen drive after 3 months, in the pocket of a pair of trousers which have been washed at least once since I put it in there. And it still works! I love technology.

I am going to Paris tonight, and then to college on Monday. Excitement is mounting.

I am well, apart from being in the Void Year. 2009 wtf.

08 January 2009

Soon, precioussss

I wish I could justify just buying Spore and whiling my life away on that rather than actually going out and living it.