autobiographical ramblings of an impressionable youth

03 October 2008

Sex-sex-sex-s-s-s-s-s-sex crime! crime! cr-cr-cr-cr...

I am going through a glorious phase of Annie Lennoxing right now, and that involves a lot of listening to this clearly beautiful song. I love how ridiculously uncharacteristic of the book and film it is, and yet all the Eurythmics music actually IN the film is pure win and awesome.

Actually, we're allegedly getting a new movie of 1984 (in case you didn't figure out from the previous paragraph that that's what I was on about- in which case YOU MORON and also yes I am talking about 1984 and the UNREPEATABLE beauty of John Hurt and Richard Burton and whoever the heck that semi-emaciated woman was) in 2009. I will be there, watching and heckling. Or maybe I will be impressed. The second is far less likely.

Oceania, 'tis for thee. You and your New Zealanders, and your dubious status as a continent.

(I'm sorry that my last few entries have been poorly expressed rubbish about TV and movies, but it's far better than poorly expressed rubbish about "oh my god I want to be at university", honest)

(Also, guess who I met working on reception at LA fitness? Lisa Molyneaux! It's amazing the people you forget exist, really.)