autobiographical ramblings of an impressionable youth

15 October 2008

Is death particularly funny?

Possibly, the answer to this question is "no". In which case, I have not written a very funny sketch for Friday.

Still, nobody ACTUALLY dies, so maybe I am on the right side of scandalous.

I feel I should write a bit more about what's actually been happening to me. Well, things have got a bit quieter since last week, by which I mean I have been in my room before midnight every day since Friday. Buuuut I have still been doing plenty of things- Saturday, I went to an auction being filmed by BBC1 for daytime TV at the Oxford Union, which was surreally awesome and meant I now have a fun painting of a garden which I wouldn't otherwise have considered owning. Earlier this week, I saw Josie Long (writes for Skins, was apparently on Never Mind The Buzzcocks recently) at the Free Beer show, which is this tiny venue which (also allegedly, remember I know nothing about most culture) has lots of fun semi-famous comedians in a really intimate setting, and which was brilliant except the room was hot and I had to stand up and she dragged a bit at the end. I already have my tickets for Reginald D. Hunter next week, who is (ALSO apparently, I should stop believing what people tell me) a legend.
Then yesterday was an open mic at the college chapel which was SUCH a cool location for it, the acoustics were lovely and it was really fun to be in this old old building with only candles and really low electric lights listening to some very intimidatingly good people playing and singing songs they'd written. I came back early though to blitz this ongoing mysterious audition thing, which I can EXCLUSIVELY (that is not an exaggeration, of course news regarding me is exclusive. It's not like anybody is going to tell you except me) reveal is for the Oxford Revue. I don't have high hopes, but if it did come off I would be a very very happy bunny.

I am learning to be a rower, and going to the gym. I am currently right on top of the workload, which is brilliant. And tonight is a big free chocolate fountain at the Oxford Women in Politics (OxWIP) freshers' thing, so life is generally still very, very good.

Oh, all except the dinners here. Those suck balls. But at least it means my diet is better than if I were cooking for myself, particularly if you are of the belief that courgettes are a special food group all of their own and you need to eat them at least once a day. Then I'm a paragon of health (except for the chips I keep eating for lunch. Yummy!)