autobiographical ramblings of an impressionable youth

23 June 2010

Roll bus roll

Back in Oxford again, staring hopelessly at the combined debris of a packing effort and a tidying effort. This is what packing and tidying look like when you're me:

That used to be my bed. The theory is that if I put it all on there, then I will have to tidy it up before this evening 'cause otherwise I won't be able to go to bed. But we all know that come tonight I will have made no progress whatsoever and will thus just throw it all back on the floor. And thus the cycle will continue. Also, I thought that maybe putting everything on the bed would help me to find my Oxford University travel grant cheque, but... no. That is apparently somewhere hidden in one of the several large bags of stuff I've had taken home over the last couple of weeks. We'll see if it resurfaces, shall we? At least I never throw out paper so it's unlikely to be in a landfill somewhere.

It's certainly not all bad though. The weather is beautiful (certainly more beautiful than I am expecting DC weather to be... 35 degrees and thunderstorms, apparently), and the week is theoretically packed with exciting activities for we lucky many who aren't being examined on our knowledge of Stuff. Swimming and Italian food yesterday, brunch and swimming today, palaces tomorrow... it's like being back travelling in China or something again. It almost makes me wish I was hanging around here for another week or so, but then I remember that I'm about to go to WASHINGTON FUCKING DC and it's going to be immense.

Facts pertaining to me being in Washington in summer:
- it's fucking hot and sticky and nobody likes the weather
- I'm staying in the gay district
- most of the good touristy stuff is free
- the gay district is not in the dodgy murder district.
- their fringe festival is the last two weeks of July
- their independence day celebrations are immense and next week
- it's only a couple of hours away from New York and there is a POKEMON CENTRE in New York
- I could seduce a congressman

OK, the last one is not really a fact so much as it is a thing I wrote to be cute. Still, it could happen. There is always the hope that my love life might take a turn for the existent this summer. God knows it's never going to in this town.

Then again, I'm staying in the gay district. So maybe not, after all.

I wanted to write something about the X5 bus, but I don't really know how to link that in to my love life, as the two are about as mutually exclusive as it gets. I also don't really know what I want to say about the X5 bus other than that it is without a doubt the single worst bus route on the planet. Believe me, I've taken some shitetastic bus rides in my time, but the ride from St Neots to Oxford tops them all. I'm not even sure what the highlight is, there's so many to choose from- is it the fact that for the first/last hour, the entire route is based around Tesco superstores? Is it the tour of every roundabout in Milton Keynes? The ten minute stopover at Bedford Bus Station, arsehole of the universe? Or perhaps it's the abnormally high number of complete fucking crazies that tend to ride with you... then again, actually the old lady crazies often are a genuine highlight. Also, a very nice boy gave me his seat yesterday (and by that I mean "he let me have the last space on the bus and waited for the next one", which was really very nice and also made me think twice about judging all scene kids as fucktards on the spot) so I guess I shouldn't lump them in with Bedford. I should pretend to be fair occasionally.

I leave you with this fact: People READ this shit. Only yesterday, a mysterious person called "Bella C." (lolz) e-mailed me saying I was great and I should join her fashion site. Yes. Me. Her fashion site. Turns out that the whole dress-sock-converse look is the kind of thing that teen Twilight fans want to see more of... and frankly, why wouldn't they.

Later, bitches.