autobiographical ramblings of an impressionable youth

27 August 2008

Oceania, 'tis for thee

There comes a time when one must move away from abstract numbers and towards interesting things. I have decided to make that time now as regards this blog, otherwise we will be talking about my Pokedex forever. 486, by the way. I have 486 Pokemon. 95% of the Pokemon-aware population probably never even knew there were that many of them.

It is impossible to find the soundtrack to the 1984 (1984 edition, none of this modern shit) for torrent. I'm not sure why I care about this other than as a sort of vague follow-up thought to that title, but it bothers me now. The only way I get hits for 1984 at all is by typing in "Oceania"; then I can have an e-book. But I don't want an e-book, I want the Eurythmics. Is that so hard to understand?

My days are not exactly filled with excitement. I finished my China scrapbook/"community report", which is beautiful apart from a glitch on the penultimate page I designed. I can't believe I went so long without sticking the text in the wrong order, and then I screwed it up so many times on that page it defies belief. Afterwards, I retired to my other favourite activity- reading and drinking alcopops left over from my party weeks ago. Currently I am reading "The German Polity" by David Conradt, which is not as dull as it sounds, though that doesn't mean much. I also read the second in "A Series of Unfortunate Events"- those books currently take me just over 45 minutes a piece to digest. They do appear to get thicker as the series goes on, however. I am waiting for my copy of "Aberystwyth, Mon Amour" to come from Amazon Marketplace, then I can get on with reading the ones of those I have. And the rest of the German Polity, too.

Whilst committing spider genocide last night, I was reminded of a thought I had where the afterlife involved getting killed in all the ways one had killed creatures during life. Which makes me wonder if I would rather be squished or sprayed, really. Anyway, I think I lifted the idea from Crash Bandicoot which makes it even more disturbing a concept, really. I wouldn't particularly want eternity to be based on a Playstation platform game, even if it was one I was pretty good at.

My mother bought the DVDs of the things I was torrenting. She's so helpful like that.