autobiographical ramblings of an impressionable youth

04 August 2011

Blue blue caravan

Yeah, so of course I didn't write for the rest of the year in Oxford. There's something about that place that makes blogging a bit yawn.

To recap, here is my year.

First this happened:

Then I did a term, and then some nonsense related to this:

Winter, and a term and a holiday of trying to write a thesis, then a blanket fort:

And then some more shenanigans (mostly in the library), then exams and simultaneously this:

And this:

Then this:

And finally this:

(I hope no identity theft shenanigans can happen if I put that there. Your vague curiosity is satisfied, masses.)

And now I have a BA (Oxon) PPE First Class, which is pretty sweet.

Since then, I've been surfing, festivalling and mostly sitting at home playing Okami and Command and Conquer and getting into Game of Thrones on both computer screen and Kindle screen (Sean Bean! How could you?). It's been a riot of a summer, let me tell you.

My Chinese visa application went in the post yesterday. My flight is booked for Monday August 29, which is a week after registration closes but I am assured by the university that this is fine and I can register late, just please come we love you so much &c. &c. I wonder if they will still love me when I get there and they discover I am lazy and difficult. Time will tell!

Anyway, just wanted to kick off the habit of writing on this again, seeing as I will soon be writing from more interesting locations again. Until next time.